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Alterations in Neural Fatty Acid Metabolism Caused by a Vitamin E Deficiency

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  • Alpha tocopherol plays a critical role in preventing lipid peroxidation within the body. Lipid peroxidation within the brain is hypothesized to be a possible mechanism of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. Due to the high amount of DHA, a long chain poly unsaturated fatty acid in the brain, we hypothesize that alpha tocopherol is important for protecting DHA from peroxidation. In order to test our hypothesis, 60 zebra fish were given either an alpha tocopherol sufficient or deficient diet for 7 months. Fish were sacrificed and brains, livers, and eyes extracted for analysis. Within the tissues, fatty acid concentrations were measured using high pressure liquid chromatography coupled to a single quad mass spectrometer, vitamin E concentrations were measured using high pressure liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection, and mRNA expression of fatty acid desaturase (fads2) and elongase (elovl2, elovl4) was evaluated using quantitative real time PCR. Vitamin E deficiency did not have a significant effect on mRNA expression in any of the tissues or fatty acid concentrations in the liver. However, there was a trending decrease in DHA associated with an vitamin E deficiency and a significant increase in the concentration linoleic acid and EPA in vitamin E deficient eye tissue. These findings suggest that the zebra fish were not on the vitamin E deficient diet long enough to allow for sufficient vitamin E depletion within neural tissue and for DHA oxidation to occur.
  • Keywords: Fatty Acid Metabolism, Vitamin E
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  • Maret G. Traber, Ph.D.Howard Hughes Medical Institute Undergraduate Research Program



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