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Natural resources of Nestucca Estuary

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  • This report is one of a series prepared by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) which summarizes the physical and biological data for selected Oregon estuaries. The reports are intended to assist coastal planners and resource managers in Oregon in fulfilling the inventory and comprehensive plan requirements of the Land Conservation and Development Commission's Estuarine Resources Goal (LCDC 1977). A focal point of these reports is a habitat classification system for Oregon estuaries. The organization and terminology of this system are explained in volume 1 of the report series entitled "Habitat Classification and Inventory Methods for the Management of Oregon Estuaries." Each estuary report includes some general management and research recommendations. In many cases ODFW has emphasized particular estuarine habitats or features that should be protected in local comprehensive plans. Such protection could be achieved by appropriate management unit designations or by specific restrictions placed on activities within a given management unit. In some instances ODFW has identified those tideflats or vegetated habitats in the estuary that should be considered "major tracts", which must be included in a natural management unit as required by the Estuarine Resources Goal (LCDC 1977). However, the reports have not suggested specific boundaries for the management units in the estuary. Instead, they provide planners and resource managers with available physical and biological information which can be combined with social and economic data to make specific planning and management decisions.
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  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • Office of Coastal Zone Management
  • U.S. Department of Commerce
  • Oregon Land Conservation and Development Department
  • Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Peer Reviewed
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  • 11193660 bytes



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