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Protective Action Decision Making in Large-Scale Emergencies: The Role of Information Requirements and Job Aids in Community-Level Decision Making

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  • Protective Action Decision Making is used to protect communities from adverse events and hazards. Models such as PADM (Lindell & Perry 2012) describe individual behaviors but have not robustly examined the information requirements in the solicitation process. The literature further indicates gaps in understanding the individual impacts of specific factors on specific decision actions in the decision-making process (Kuligowski 2013). The objective of this study was to explain the specific significant interactions and effects of Information Requirements solicitation on considering both operational Decision Criteria and decision outcomes. The work in the dissertation expanded on the PADM to create a dual-timeline Protective Action model that details the pre-decision process with respect to the ontology of information requirements. The research tasks in the study contained the development of Subject Matter Experts, Hazards, Environment, Resources, and Subjects (SHERS) ontology, which was verified using a cognitive task analysis method. The information requirements were further incorporated into a job aid to inform decision-makers responding to Wildland-Urban Fires. In a controlled study prompting experienced participants to make Protective Action determinations, the results indicate that being introduced to a job aid that solicits specific information appears to have some positive effect on participants’ evacuation decision outcomes.
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