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Coniferous Forest Biome : summary of research and synthesis activities July 1975-August 1976

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  • Research activities in the post-IBP phase of the Biome program prior to July 1975 were reported in Internal Report 162. Summaries of research and synthesis activities from July 1975 to August 1976 are presented here. The reports are arranged in the following order: Analysis of individual terrestrial ecosystems, which has three components (behavior and Strategies of Individual Ecosystems, Environment and Plant Succession and the Land-Use Model); Analysis of Watersheds, which has two components (Watershed 10 and Findley Lake); and Analysis of aquatic ecosystems, which is divided into two components (Lakes and Streams). A total list of Biome publications is included in the Appendix. A more specific list of open literature publications is available from the Biome Office. Progress of the synthesis activities is discussed in Section 5.
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Table of Contents
  • Leaf conductance in different forest stands -- Nutrient uptake and translocation by youngDouglas-fir trees -- Growth and nitrogen dynamics in Douglas-fir -- Primary production and nutrient cycling indifferent forest environments -- Comparative stand level nutrient availabilityfrom terrestrial litter decomposition -- Decomposition Cedar River -- Response of forest ecosystems to fertilizer -- Stand Structural Geometry -- Nutrient exchange -- Nutrient leaching -- Role of Douglas-fir bark beetles in carbon and nutrient cycling -- Forest vegetation dynamics within the Abiesamabilis zone of a western Cascades watershed -- Succession simulation -- Validation data -- Land Use Simulation -- Litter decomposition- Comparative rates ofCO2 production from the forest floor in theDouglas-fir ecosystem -- Vascular plant communities -- Watershed Z0 - biomass, productivity, andnutrient cycling -- Soil solution and groundwater chemistry -- Plant water relations, hydrology andmeteorology -- Erosion processes -- Carbon, water, and nutrient cycling modelingin old-growth ecosystems -- Hydrology and erosion modeling and computer -- Stream linkages and comparisons -- Use and conservation of carbon -- LitterfaZZ and water inputs -- Terrestrial studies of soil water chemistry -- Stream Ecosystems -- Lake Ecosystems -- Carbon, nutrient and elemental cycling -- Land-lake interactions -- Higher consumers Lake Washington Fish
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  • Master files scanned at 600 ppi (256 Grayscale) using Capture Perfect 3.0 on a Canon DR-9080C in TIF format. PDF derivative scanned at 300 ppi (256 B&W), using Capture Perfect 3.0, on a Canon DR-9080C. CVista PdfCompressor 3.1 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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