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A physical inventory of streams in the Upper Willamette Watershed above the confluence of middle and coast forks of Willamette River : 1964

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  • Federal Aid to Fish Restoration Progress Report Project F-69-R-2, Job Number 1
  • This report contains physical inventory information concerning the Coast and Middle Fork systems of the Willamette River as it relates to game fish and, to a lesser extent, wildlife production. Included survey data encompass nearly all streams within the drainage considered to have significant value for this purpose. Most of the surveys were conducted by the author in the summer of 1964. Substantial assistance was provided by personnel of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. A portion of the Coast Fork Willamette watershed was surveyed by Oregon State Game Commission personnel in 1963. Also included are brief summaries of Oregon Fish Commission inventories made on Fall, Hills (lower), Lost and Mosby Creeks in 1959 (Willis, Collins and Sams, 1960). Information derived from the surveys will permit more intensive management of fish, wildlife 9 water and associated natural resources by those agencies responsible. Major portions of the inventoried watersheds are located above large dams not presently having fish passage facilities. Due to the commonly high fish-producing potentials of the streams above these barriers coupled with possible eventual utilization by anadromous or other migratory fish, factors which would affect anadromous as well as resident fish species were recorded. State Water Resources Board Map No. 2A. 70148 upon which stream names and mileages are based accompanies this report (Plate 1).
  • Dimensions of paper map: 37" x 37.5"
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using Capture Perfect 3.0.82 on a Canon DR-9080C in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.


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