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Ownership of Oregon estuaries

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  • Sometime ago, the Division of State Lands, working with funds provided by the United States Government, under the Emergency Employment Act of 1971, performed a study and analysis of the ownership of submersible lands (tidelands) in each of Oregon's major estuaries. The results of our study are contained in this booklet for your information. As you will see when you examine these maps, the State of Oregon acting through the Division of State Lands, is a major landowner in almost every estuary. The Division exercises clear authority over all submerged land (lands lying below the Ordinary Low Water line) as none of these lands were ever sold to private individuals. The Division also exercises authority over the publicly owned tidelands or submersible lands, which have not been sold into private ownership. In addition, the Division also speaks to the public's interest in the rights of navigation and fishery over privately owned tidelands. Our purpose in preparing these maps was to provide accurate up-to-date information on public and private ownership of estuarine lands for our land management purposes. We hope that this reduced size version will be useful to you.
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