
Mathematical modeling of atmospheric fine particle-associated primary organic compound concentrations

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  • An atmospheric transport model has been used to explore the relationship between source emissions and ambient air quality for individual particle phase organic compounds present in primary aerosol source emissions. An inventory of fine particulate organic compound emissions was assembled for the Los Angeles area in the year 1982. Sources characterized included noncatalyst- and catalyst-equipped autos, diesel trucks, paved road dust, tire wear, brake lining dust, meat cooking operations, industrial oil-fired boilers, roofing tar pots, natural gas combustion in residential homes, cigarette smoke, fireplaces burning oak and pine wood, and plant leave abrasion products. These primary fine particle source emissions were supplied to a computer-based model that simulates atmospheric transport, dispersion, and dry deposition based on the time series of hourly wind observations and mixing depths. Monthly average fine particle organic compound concentrations that would prevail if the primary organic aerosol were transported without chemical reaction were computed for more that 100 organic compounds within an 80 km x 80 km modeling area centered over Los Angeles. The monthly average compound concentrations predicted by the transport model were compared to atmospheric measurements made at monitoring sites within the study area during 1982. The predicted seasonal variation and absolute values of the concentrations of the more stable compounds are found to be in reasonable agreement with the ambient observations. While model predictions for the higher molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are in agreement with ambient observations, lower molecular weight PAH show much higher predicted than measured atmospheric Concentrations in the particle phase, indicating atmospheric decay by chemical reactions or evaporation from the particle phase. The atmospheric concentrations of dicarboxylic acids and aromatic polycarboxylic acids greatly exceed the contributions that are due to direct emissions from primary sources, confirming that these compounds are principally formed by atmospheric chemical reactions.
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  • Rogge, W.F., Hildemann, L.M., Mazurek, M.A., Cass, G.R., Simoneit, B.R.T., 1996, Mathematical modeling of atmospheric fine particle-associated primary organic compound concentrations. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 101, pg. 19,379–19,394.
Journal Title
Journal Volume
  • 101
Journal Issue/Number
  • D14
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Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • The air quality modeling study reported here was supported by the Electric Power Research Institute under agreement RP318-3. The emissions data for single organic compounds were acquired with the support of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under agreement R-819714-01-0 and the California Air Resources Board under agreement A932-127. Analysis of the atmospheric aerosol was supported by the South Coast Air Quality Management District.



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