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Development of an instrument assessing ATV use among Oregon's youth on ranches and farms

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  • During the 1980s the sales and use of all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) was on the rise. Many people used them for recreation, while others started using them on their ranch or farm for work-related purposes. As a result, morbidity and mortality rates also began to climb. It became apparent that the various tasks which ATVs are used for on ranches or farms created room for concern, and the need for education in making sure that those who are operating them are doing do as safely as possible. Therefore the purpose of this research project was to develop a data collection instrument that would be sent out to ranchers and farmers to determine how ATVs are being used by employee’s ages 14-17 years old on their ranches or farms. The first step to developing the instrument was to find information that would be pertinent to its structure. After some time and thought, my mentors and I decided that the instrument would entail questions pertaining to demographics, the operation on the ranch or farm itself, along with questions about ATV use on the ranch or farm. From there we agreed that we would want to be able to determine from the instrument what age groups are operating ATVs, what size of ATV they are operating, how many hours a day they are operating the ATV, along with whether employees are required to wear personal protective equipment, and if they are using accessories and or attachments with the ATV. Currently the hard copy of the instrument is nearly finished and I have begun the process of implementing some parts of the instrument into a survey program called Qualtrics. One of my mentors, Dr. David White has also sent the instrument to OSU Extension Faculty in Agriculture and Forestry for additional feedback. Once all feedback has been received, the instrument will be revised until it is ready to be fully incorporated into Qualtrics where it will be sent out to ranchers and farmers to complete. Ultimately the data collected from this instrument will be used for youth ages 14-17 who are employed in Oregon’s agricultural industry. Youth are required to complete education, training, and acquire certification so that they can operate tractors and machinery in a safe and responsible manner. In addition to this, the data collected from the instrument will also be used to develop a companion curriculum that will aid in education, training, and certification for youth so that they are equipped to safely and responsibly operate all-terrain vehicles along with other machinery in the agricultural industry as well. Both curriculums developed as a result from the data collected from the instrument will then be used for not only education, but training and certification for youth in a program known as the Oregon Safe Tractor, ATV and Machinery Operation Program.
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