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Baculovirus molecular biology

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  • Since the publication of the first edition of Baculovirus Molecular Biology two years ago, there have been significant advances in several areas of baculovirus research, most particularly in the characterization of gene function using bacmid technology. In addition, the long sought goal of determining the crystal structure polyhedrin was also recently accomplished. I have also added an additional chapter (Chapter 11) entitled ‘Baculoviruses, retroviruses, and insect cells’. This is timely, not only because of my long standing interest in this relationship of baculoviruses and retroviruses, but also because of the significant advances that have occurred in the past two years on the cellular mechanisms by which endogenous retroelements are silenced in normal cells. I also found that many publishers allow online use of their figures without charge. This allowed me to include some classic pictures of baculoviruses along with more recent figures that will likely become classics. Because of the use of the Bombyx mori baculovirus for many investigations, I have now included the orthologous BmNPV orfs along with those of AcMNPV in the revised Chapter 12, ‘The AcMNPV genome: Gene content, conservation, and function’. I am grateful to a number of individuals who contributed suggestions and comments for this revised book, including Drs. T. Ohkawa, S. Katsuma, L. Passarelli, A. Khan, and G. Pennock. This book could not have been produced without the continued encouragement and assistance of Dr. Laura Dean of the National Library of Medicine (NCBI/NIH).
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  • 190 pages



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