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Beyond Description: Metadata for Catalogers in the 21st Century

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  • There are many tasks beyond describing resources that can be accomplished with metadata. Training catalogers in metadata has often only involved explaining various metadata schemes and how they relate to Marc records. This presentation aims to explain how metadata differs from cataloging beyond being a more context specific form of object description. Metadata can be used in many ways that cataloging was never meant to be used. For example, metadata is used in preservation, whereas traditionally cataloging and preservation were separate issues. Also metadata can be used to bind separate digital objects that create one logical object. This was not necessary in traditional cataloging. Each point is discussed in theory as well as practice. By explaining some of the theory behind the uses of metadata, it is hoped that catalogers will understand the changes in workflow they have been experiencing and how their skills are adding value to a 21st Century library.
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  • Seattle, Washington, USA
Non-Academic Affiliation
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Peer Reviewed



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