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Danebo Wetland Prairie Project Environmental Education Curriculum

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  • One goal of this environmental education curriculum is that students will gain an appreciation of Willamette Valley wetland prairies, a threatened ecosystem, and will gain an understanding of the importance of protecting these wetlands. A second goal is that students will see first-hand the processes involved in conducting scientific field experiments and discover the benefits and limitations of science in restoring native wetlands. To achieve these goals, a partnership was formed between scientists and teachers to develop environmental educational materials on Willamette Valley wetland prairies. Scientists from Oregon State University contributed information about the ecology of wetland prairies and on the scientific processes involved in restoring native wetland prairies. Educators from Eugene public schools and Oregon State University shared their expertise on effective teaching methods for middle and high school students. The involvement of both scientists and educators insured that the scientific content of the curriculum materials was sound and up-to-date, that the educational approaches were effective, and the materials were useful in the classroom. These educational materials were developed in conjunction with a scientific field experiment, conducted by OSU scientists, to determine appropriate restoration actions for the native wetland prairie located at the Bureau of Land Management's Danebo Wetland Office site in west Eugene. Lessons in this curriculum emphasize participation by the students in this and other research projects. Direct experience is a powerful educational tool, especially for fostering an appreciation for nature and for the role of science in understanding and protecting native ecosystems. By encouraging student participation in scientific research projects, the curriculum helps students focus on the process of science, not just on its conclusions.
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  • Prepared for Bureau of Land Management, Coast Range Resource Area Eugene, OR
  • Project No. 1422H090-P4-0089



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