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OSU Wine and Grape Research and Extension Newsletter : April 2008

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  • Beginning the 2008 Season… It appears that the spring weather we’ve been waiting for has finally arrived! Bud break is commencing, a week or so later than 2007 due to cold weather in most of Western Oregon. With the advent of the growing season, this edition of the OSU Wine and Grape Research and Extension Newsletter covers the topics of powdery mildew control and continuation of short shoot syndrome scouting. For those with interest in wine production (and consumption), the newsletter also covers the topic of biogenic amines. The OSU Viticulture and Enology Extension Team has been busy the past few months. Faculty of the program including Jim Kennedy, James Osborne, Patty Skinkis and Vaughn Walton organized and moderated sessions in enology and viticulture and presented research at the Oregon Wine Industry Symposium in February where there was a record attendance of 750! Patty Skinkis launched the hybrid OSU Viticulture Lecture Series open to distance education for winter term 2008 and currently is conducting the spring 2008 Viticulture Lecture Series. In addition, a spring workshop on Vineyard Disease Management was organized by Patty Skinkis and Walt Mahaffee to focus on powdery mildew and botrytis that featured presentations by Wayne Wilcox of Cornell and Walt Mahaffee of USDA. On the enology front, James Osborne presented the Wine Filtration Workshop in late February and will be offering a microbial spoilage workshop in April. For future events, please check out the “Upcoming Events” section of the newsletter.
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Table of Contents
  • Welcome to the April 2008 Newsletter! ; Hot Topics in Enology: Biogenic Amines ; Facing the Challenge of Powdery Mildew ; Observations in the Vineyard: Keeping an Eye on Short Shoot Syndrome ; New OSU Extension Publications ; Upcoming Educational Opportunities and Events
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