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Environment, technology, and future generations

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  • This report deals with environmental strategies. Such strategies involve comprehensive and broad outlooks. In contrast, environmental tactics involve more limited concerns which can be usually addressed in a disciplinary or multi-disciplinary manner. The development of strategies necessitates interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary outlooks. Such outlooks are extremely difficult to achieve because different "structures of reasoning" are found to conflict with each other and confusion and disagreements result. Environmental strategies must accommodate such confusions. They must recognize and accommodate the high levels of ignorance involved in the prediction and appreciation of complex and long-term technological impacts. A strategy is proposed which encourages an adjusting, learning and creative approach to the future rather than an approach which is ultimately based upon prediction and control. The approach is described through a set of five commitments which are intended, not as absolute rules, but as attitudes or considerations which should have increased influence upon decisions. A number of applications and examples are briefly discussed.
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  • The work upon which this publication is based was supported in part by funds provided by the United States Department of the Interior as authorized under the Water Resources Research Act of 1964, as amended.
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  • 7767575 bytes



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