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File Title: Recovering lost ground: Effects of soil burn intensity on nutrients and ectomycorrhiza communities of ponderosa pine seedling猩㸾湤潢樍㘱‰扪഼㰯偡牥湴‱〶〠〠刯乥硴‱〷㈠〠刯䑥獴嬹㐷‰⁒⽆楴删〠㔲㐠㔶㠠㔲㑝⽔楴汥⣾ 䤀渀琀爀漀搀甀挀琀椀漀温㸾湤潢樍㘲‰扪഼㰯偡牥湴‱〶〠〠刯䑥獴嬳ㄱ‰⁒⽆楴删〠㐹㜠㔶㠠㐹㝝⽐牥瘠㘳‰⁒⽔楴汥⣾刀攀昀攀爀攀渀挀攀猩㸾...
Recovering lost ground: Effects of soil burn intensity on nutrients and ectomycorrhiza communities of ponderosa pine seedlings
Page Count: 13
File Size: 2652652
Original Checksum: 38b448d52379edb6fb0d4b4e9dbdb030
Mime Type: application/pdf