DavisCurtissOCEOASAssessmentNewProduction.pdf Public
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- Scholars Archive Admin
- Date Uploaded
- 2017-07-24
- Date Modified
- 2017-07-24
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- passed 2 Files with 2 total versions checked 2025-01-15 13:45:17 -0800
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File Format: pdf (Portable Document Format)File Title: Assessment of new production at the upwelling center at Point Conception, California, using nitrate estimated from remotely sensed sea surface temperaturePage Count: 13File Size: 1357486Original Checksum: 9a065583a9fd6fcdea280a5c659d2d57Mime Type: application/pdf
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User Scholars Archive Admin has attached DavisCurtissOCEOASAssessmentNewProduction.pdf to Assessment of new production at the upwelling center at Point Conception, California, using nitrate estimated from remotely sensed sea surface temperature |