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File Title: Gaseous electron-diffraction investigations : I. Molecular structures of Os(CO)₅, Ru(CO)₅, and CrOF₄. II. Molecular structures and anti-gauche compositions of BrCH₂,CH₂,F, BrCH₂CH₂C1, C1CH₂CH₂F,C1₂CHCHC1₂, and FCH₂CH₂OH
Gaseous electron-diffraction investigations : I. Molecular structures of Os(CO), Ru(CO), and CrOF. II. Molecular structures and anti-gauche compositions of BrCH,CH,F, BrCHCHC1, C1CHCHF,C1CHCHC1, and FCHCHOH
Page Count: 226
File Size: 1633225
Original Checksum: 06ba0f25b516eb320623be864cac0ac8
Mime Type: application/pdf