Graduate Project

Sediment accumulation within weathering pits on Dance Hall Rock, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah

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  • The purpose of this paper was to examine if the depth and degree of circularity of weathering pits affects the accumulation of sediment. Thirty pits were surveyed over two one-week periods on Dance Hall Rock. Weathering pits were measured to determine their maximum width, minimum width, vertical depth, and depth of pit-floor sediment. Additional descriptions of sediment texture, topographic position, orientation, weathering debris, evidence of particle movement by wind, and vegetation were also completed in situ. Stepwise multiple regression was performed using SPSS version 10. Vertical pit depth and an index of circularity were selected as the independent variables with sediment depth functioning as the dependent variable. Initial evaluation of the variables indicated that they were not normally distributed, therefore two regression models were developed to assess how the raw data and transformed data affected the model's explanatory ability. Although both models indicated that the depth and degree of circularity of a pit made significant contributions in explaining the variation in sediment depth, the residuals displayed sufficient non-normality to suggest that neither model was a "good fit". Field observations and statistical analysis indicate that these two measures of pit shape, alone, cannot account for all the variation in sediment depth. Rather that the accumulation and deflation of sediment is a complex process involving the interaction of numerous physical and biological factors.
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