Graduate Project

Site and community needs of industrial firms considering location in Corvallis, Oregon

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  • The siting of a new industrial plant generally results from the favorable match of the needs of an industrial firm arid the assets of a community. Citizens of Oregon have taken a very active role in planning and decision making at the local level due to legislation in the past decade which has given them this privilege. Citizen attitudes and opinions are shaped by many factors, including education, income levels, aesthetic values, civic pride, and general concern for the future of their community. Corvallis presents some conflicting characteristics for industrial location. Corvallis is attractive to some industries owing to cultural amenities, attractiveness of the City and its setting, compatible industries, and a labor pool that is both professional and ample. At the same time, the above normal education level and professional employment of a large segment of its citizenry and their regard for and pride in the general high quality of life and urban and educational services have resulted in attitudes that have been unfavorable to the location of industries that would bring rapid growth and change. The purpose of this research is to examine the needs of industrial firms that recently expressed interest in location in Corvallis within the context of the City's assets and citizen attitudes. The research methods have included: 1) an analysis of three studies conducted during the 1970's that dealt with assets and attitudes; 2) an analysis of' the land that is zoned industrial by the Corvallis Land Development Code; and 3) an analysis of a questionnaire survey of the industrial fiins.
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