Graduate Project

A productivity study and machine selection technique for rubber tired skidders in Tasmania, Australia

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  • Time study data was collected for two horsepower classes of rubber tired skidders from field operations controlled by Associated Pulp and Paper Mills, Ltd., Tasmania, Australia. A wide range of site and logging conditions were used to produce both production per hour and cycle time predictive equations. The resultant equations were used for machine selection, on a cost and production basis, the quantification of current problems and as a planning tool for predicting the composition of the future machine pool. The selection technique was applied to the two horsepower classes studied here, plus a FNC 21OCA skidder. The results indicate that the high horsepower skidder class provided no production advantage despite higher owning and operating costs. For the FMC 21OCA only those high production sites provided production costs similar to the rubber tired skidders. Two factors affecting productivity, but beyond machine-site interactions were addressed in this study, namely operator ability/machine efficiency and production quotas. The former was applied during equation formulation to produce an operator/machine adjusted equation. The latter was shown to be significant in machine cost considerations, and the management of field operations with regard to site logging potential. The study suggests that the current forest inventory practice be adjusted to include those site factors found to effect logging potential. Also, that similar studies on a wide range of skidding machinery be conducted to provide a broad base for machine selection and comparison.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using Capture Perfect 3.0.82 on a Canon DR-9080C in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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