Graduate Project

Marys River Watershed restoration planning by using a multiple-objective decision-support tool, RESTORE

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  • Effective watershed restoration planning and prioritization is often very difficult because decision making typically involves a large number of alternatives evaluated on the basis of multiple and often conflicting technical, social, economic, and environmental objectives and criteria. In order to solve such complex decision making problems, multi­objective decision making (MODM) models in conjunction with a geographic information system (GIS) have lately attracted considerable attention. The combination of MODM techniques and GIS capabilities allows watershed managers to determine high priority areas and the best restoration alternatives under the presence of diverse goals, objectives, and criteria. As my internship project, I was asked by the Marys River Watershed Council (MRWC), at the west side of the Willamette Valley in northwestern Oregon, for methods to develop restoration projects for Marys River watershed. I used an integrative GIS-based multi-objective decision support software, RESTORE, to generate and examine restoration prioritization plans at accomplishing different sets of objectives. In this project, I examined several different information obtained from RESTORE, including the most and second preferred restoration plans, priority areas, and similarity areas. Through the visualization and analyses of these data, RESTORE proved to be a powerful and operational tool for watershed restoration planning. The results also suggested, however, that we need more information and evaluative models to use RESTORE more effectively for Marys River watershed restoration planning and prioritization.
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  • Master file scanned with Epson Scan on an Epson 1640XL at 300 dpi monochrome, 600 dpi, 24-bit color. Image manipulated with Adobe Photoshop CS Extended ver. 11.0. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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