Graduate Project

Methods for Engaging Leaders in Climate Science and Providing Local Decision Support

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  • Oregon Sea Grant and its partner states have received a Sectoral Applications Research Project (SARP) grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to refine outreach methods for coastal communities with specific attention to climate change. This paper will focus on the SARP project and a related case study with county leaders in Oregon, and will answer the following research questions: How do Oregon coastal leaders in our case study perceive the risks associated with climate change? What does applying the Social Construction Framework (Schneider and Ingram, 1993) show about climate change leaders and the policy process? The approach taken to analyze information users includes collecting county leaders’ responses on the risks posed by climate change through semi-­‐structured interviews and analyzing those responses for the purpose of recommending further activities and materials that might be useful to this chosen group of leaders. Presented in the following sections of this essay are a literature review, an outline of methods and study design, the findings from interviews, an analysis of those findings, and a discussion of recommendations and policy implications based on this study.
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