Graduate Project

A survey of design, construction, and operation practices for steep roads in the Oregon Coast Range

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  • The selection of a road standard is a complex decision involving consideration of design, construction, maintenance, and vehicle operating costs. The first step in any analysis involves a definition of the physically feasible alternatives. In the Oregon Coast Range, a combination of steep topography and sensitive soils influence the type of physical options available to management. To reach the necessary landings for harvest operations with the minimum road lengths, requires steep roads. The conditions for successful operation of steep roads- have not been documented. This paper summarizes the effects of road gradient upon excavation, drainage, road surfacing, haul, and maintenance based upon information available from transportation planners, materials engineers, maintenance supervisors, logging contractors, and equipment operators. The physical aspects of soil-vehicle interactions and vehicle performance are investigated to a limited degree using laboratory and field tests. An economic framework for comparing the costs of steep roads is included. Subject areas where limited information is available are suggested for future research.
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