Graduate Project

Image editing: a photoshop tutorial for natural resource managers

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  • Land managers are increasingly turning to a new tool for visually depicting, analyzing, and communicating the technical aspects of forestry, specifically in the area of timber harvest and unit design. This tool is computer-based image editing software. In the 1980's, it was referred to as image capture technology, or ICT. In the 1990's, it is called digital photography, or video imaging. Regardless of which terminology is used, it all refers to editing images to display some particular effect. In this paper, I will use the term image editing. The objective of this paper is to aid the natural resource manager in learning and applying image editing techniques to display the visual effects of timber harvesting. There are many articles that address the use of edited images, but few that actually provide step-by-step instruction on how the images were created. This paper is a basic introduction in how to use image editing technology. It is understood that software product upgrades will make this paper obsolete in just a short time, but the basic concepts will remain the same.
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