Graduate Project

Offshore Wind Energy's Role in the United States' Energy Transition

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  • As the human population grows, the need for alternative and clean forms of energy is greater. The installation of offshore wind energy has been on the rise over the past decade, however the fossil fuel energy generation sectors, such as coal and natural gas, are still major players in the energy supply markets. Wind turbines emit sound and electromagnetic energy, whereas fossil fuel burning activities discharge large quantities of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which is absorbed by the ocean. Many species are sensitive to auditory and electromagnetic disturbances caused by the different stages of offshore wind development, but many of the effects caused by the wind turbines appear to be less impactful and destructive compared to the formation of carbonic acid and rising ocean acidity levels. Marine species and ecosystems can display unique biological responses to different impacts. The goal of this research is three-fold: To inform the public of the environmental issues surrounding fossil fuel energy generation; to describe what is required to phase fossil fuels out, and to summarize the status of offshore wind energy as a resource to offset fossil fuels and its potential impacts.
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