Graduate Project

Transportation planning on the Willamette National Forest

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  • The objective of this study is to answer four questions concerning the transportation network on the Willamette National Forest. These questions are 1) how many and what kind of roads exist on the forest, 2) how much annual traffic can these existing roads handle, 3) can the existing system handle projected traffic volumes and 4) if not, how many miles of new road are needed to complete the transportation system. Road logs were collected on the existing transportation system. This data was then synthesized and coded for computer storage. Question one was answered by interpreting the road log data, Questions two through four were answered by running the road log data through different computer programs designed for each question. The results of answering these four questions was a transportation model, which can predict the average yearly traffic volume for every road in the forest based on predicted timber harvest and can also predict the number of miles of new road needed for each new timber sale. Since 1972 personnel on the Willamette National Forest of western Oregon have been developing a long range land use and timber management plan. Development of a plan that will effectively deal with the variety of uses and wealth of resources within the forest is a difficult and intense activity moreover, a plan for any National Forest must consider a host of laws and regulations including the Wilderness Act of 1964, the Multiple Use-Sustained Yield Act of 1960 and the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. Also involved are U.S. Forest Service policies, plus regional and statewide planning efforts. The National Forests of the Pacific Northwest are divided into six planning areas. The Willamette National Forest is included in the Columbia-Willamette Planning Area with three other National Forests (Map 1) An area guide was prepared, establishing target outputs for major uses of these Forests which share common issues, objectives, and management directions. With this background, the Willamette National Forest started a planning process that developed a planning organization, a public involvement program, forest coordinating requirements, an inventory and analysis of data, and assumptions concerning the future uses of the forest.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6770A in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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