Graduate Project

The reclamation potential of a sand and gravel site in Linn County, Oregon: Lower Kiger Island

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  • The objective of this paper is to conduct a geographical inventory of a sand and gravel site, Lower Kiger Island, so as to identify and evaluate other potential land uses subsequent to the extraction of its aggregate resources. This information is intended to aid citizens, land use planners, and sand and gravel operators to better evaluate the potential uses of the mined-out site. Lower Kiger Island was chosen for study because the aggregate extraction upon it serves as an example of a transitional land use located between two growing urban centers, Corvallis and Albany. The locational situation may act to increase pressures to convert the site to a number of other land uses. A site and land use analysis was conducted in order to analyze land use alternatives for Lower Kiger Island and also to identify existing or potential conflicting land use demands for this aggregate resource site. The opportunities and constraints of each land use having reclamation potential were evaluated in terms of the sit&s physical characteristics, economic considerations and the existing land use planning framework. Sand and gravel extraction is the existing land use on Lower Kiger Island; however, following the extraction of aggregates from the site, a number of mutually compatible land uses can be incorporated into a reclamation plan. This study indicates that in order to develop this multiple use potential , an organized and coordinated planning program must be established.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome, 8-bit Grayscale) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6770A in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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