Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Characteristics of a functional organization : a case study of the Portland Rose Festival Association

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  • This research addresses the functional characteristics of a single organization. It specifically investigates one of the largest festival organizations in the United States, The Portland Rose Festival Association (PRFA). In this case, three groups within the PRFA are its foundation: the paid staff, the executive committee, and the volunteer directors. This study identifies and analyzes the functionality characteristics of this organization. Swanson's (1996) theory of performance variables is used to assess and benchmark the PRFA. He provides five key areas in which functional, effective, and successful groups are proficient. These five areas are: mission/goal, capacity, systems design, motivation, and expertise. The research is qualitative and quantitative in nature by implementing two primary methods- interviews and questionnaires. Phase one consists of interviews from the eleven staff members. The research discovers that the PRFA has numerous strengths. The weaknesses the staff mentioned have been acknowledged by management and are being improved upon or solved. As a result of this phase, the PRFA was assessed as a functional organization. Phase two determines the level of functionality according to appropriate organizational characteristics. The characteristics correspond to Swanson's performance variables. This phase was conducted through questionnaires to the staff members, executive committee, and volunteer directors. The research indicated that the "mission/goal" organizational characteristic received the highest combined mean. Although all areas were ranked very high, responses on the "expertise" questions indicate an area for improvement. Finally, the study discovers that the three groups are relatively familiar with each other.
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