Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Migrational characteristics and survival rates of mallards banded at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge

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  • An analysis of 4,385 recoveries of mallards (Anas platyrhynchos), that were reported during the years 1929 to 1972, was made to determine the migrational characteristics and survival rates of mallards banded at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in southeastern Oregon. Two populations, a transitory population and a wintering population, were banded at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. The transitory population was found in the Harney Basin during the spring and fall; the majority of recoveries from this population occurred in the Central Valley of California in the month of December, The wintering population was found in the Harney Basin during the fall and winter; the majority of recoveries from this population occurred in the Harney Basin, Columbian, and Owyhee-Snake harvest areas. Immature mallards had geographic recovery distributions that were more northern than adult mallards. Immatures also had chronologic recovery distributions that were earlier than adults. Estimated survival rates for immatures were lower than for adults. Males were found to have higher recovery rates than females. Immature males had the lowest survival rates, the highest recovery rates, and were recovered further north and earlier in the hunting season than any other sex and age class. Adult males had the highest survival rates, and were recovered further south and later in the hunting season than any other sex and age class. Adult females and immature females had the lowest recovery rates, and had survival rates, geographic recovery distributions, and chronologic recovery distributions that were intermediate to immature males and adult males. Management implications and recommendations for further study were discussed.
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