Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Identification of realistic learning activities for attaining FHA/HERO goals in home economics classrooms

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  • The purpose of this study was to identify learning activities that were both Future Homemakers of America/Home Economics Related Occupations goal-related and realistic for use in the home economics classroom. The hypothesis tested was: there is no significant difference between mean scores of individual learning activities related to FHA/HERO goals as rated by 1975-76 FHA/ HERO State Advisors or persons responsible for FHA/HERO at the state level, 1975/76 FHA/HERO State Presidents, and 1975-76 FHA/HERO Oregon Chapter Advisors. Specifically, the objectives were to: 1) develop an instrument for assessing selected learning activities which were believed to be related to the eight goals of FHA/HERO; 2) determine learning activities that would enable students to accomplish FHA/HERO goals within the home economics classroom as suggested by FHA/HERO State Advisors or persons responsible for FHA/HERO at the state level, 1975-76 FHA/HERO State Presidents, and Oregon FHA/HERO Chapter Advisors; 3) determine learning activities that are most realistic for an appropriate unit of study in home economics classrooms as suggested by FHA/HERO State Advisors or persons responsible for FHA/HERO at the state level, 1975-76 FHA/HERO State Presidents, and Oregon FHA/HERO Chapter Advisors; 4) compile a list of realistic learning activities related to FHA/HERO goals; and 5) make recommendations and suggestions for further study. The Procedures A mail survey containing 78 learning activities grouped according to the eight FHA/HERO goals was used to gather data. A five point Likert scale was used to identify the degree to which a learning activity was related to a designated FHA/HERO goal, and a "yes, " "no," "undecided" categorical response was used to determine whether or not the learning activity was realistic for classroom use. The sample consisted of three population groups: 23 Oregon Chapter Advisors; 37 FHA/HERO State Advisors; and 29 1975-76 State Presidents in the United States, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands (n = 89). The F-statistic tested the hypothesis for identifying differences between opinions of the three groups for goal-relatedness of each learning activity. A Least Significant Difference follow-up test identified where differences existed. Total mean scores for each learning activity were calculated. Categorical responses relating the realistic use of learning activities in the home economics program were analyzed by calculating percentages. Selected Findings and Conclusions Seven of the 78 learning activities rejected the null hypothesis which tested for a difference between group opinions for goal-relatedness. Generally, respondents held similar opinions for the goal-relatedness of learning activities. Thirty-four of the 78 learning activities had mean scores below 4.00 indicating a low opinion of goal-relatedness for these learning activities. Forty-nine of the 78 learning activities had percentage ratings of 75 or higher and thus were rated as being realistic. Using the F-statistic, mean scores and percentages concurrently, there were 32, or 41 percent, of the 78 learning activities in the final list identified as being both FHA/HERO goal-related and realistic for use in home economics classrooms.
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