Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Measurement of preschool children's consumer preferences

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  • This study focused on the development of a measure of the consumer preferences of preschool children, the Consumer Preference Test (CPT). A test-retest procedure was used to obtain a measure of reliability for the CPT on a sample of 20 Caucasian, middleclass and above children enrolled in the Child Development Laboratory of the Family Life Department. The chi-square test for goodness of fit was the statistical test employed in the reliability study. The findings showed the CPT to be reliable at the category level of consumer preferences with this sample. The secondary purpose was to describe the consumer preferences of preschool children in this sample. When category preferences were totaled for all subjects Food was the most often chosen, followed by Clothing, Toys, and Entertainment. The differences between frequencies in each category were slight and not significant based on the chi-square value. When preferences were observed by sex groups the differences were also insignificant but the girls preferred Clothing by a small margin. Boys most often chose Food. The results agreed with the findings of previous studies in the area and support the suggestion of a developmental trend in preferences. The findings also support the major assumptions of this research; preschool children are involved in an anticipatory socialization process for the consumer role. This is based on their discrimination of aspects of the role and the development of consumer preferences. The limitations of the study were primarily methodological involving sample size and procedures. Suggestions for further research include continuation of reliability studies with a larger sample and use of the CPT to explore agents of consumer socialization.
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