Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Durum wheat quality and its relation to electrophoretic banding patterns

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  • Physical properties of gluten and pigment content are of primary importance in determining quality in durum wheat (Triticum turqidum L. var. durum). The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the contribution of different -y-gliadin protein subunits in durum wheat pasta quality as measured by the sodium dodecyl sulphate microsedimentation (MST) test, protein, and pigment content. Twelve crosses involving parents, F₁, F₂, BC₁, and BC₂ individual plants were evaluated for pigment content, protein content, and SDS sedimentation. Fourteen cultivars and segregating populations of two crosses were classified according to their electrophoretic banding patterns. Cultivars with band 45 had stronger gluten properties than cultivars having band 42 as evidenced by the low SDS microsedimentation values. No clear association was observed between protein, pigment content and electrophoretic banding patterns. The close association between band 45 and gluten strength was again confirmed in segregating F2 individual plants of two crosses. Plants homozygous for band 45 were higher in SDS microsedimentation values, compared with plants heterozygous for band 45/42 and homozygous for band 42. Transgressive segregation was observed for both gluten strength and pigment content in the F₂ populations of all crosses, indicating selection will be effective to enhance these traits.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6670 in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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