Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The equivalence of regular expressions

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  • The use of Regular Expressions to represent the conditions of operations of a finite automaton is becoming popular. A finite automaton can be represented by several regular expressions which are entirely different in out-looks and in structures. It is the primary purpose of this paper to develop several approaches to prove the equivalence of regular expressions, in a unified manner, pointing out the similarities and differences in the various treatments. The first technique of proving the equivalence is by converting each regular expression into a state graph representing an automaton, then by testing the isomorphism of the resulting automata will show whether the given regular expressions are equivalent. The second technique of proving the equivalence is by converting each regular expression into a graph and then one of the graphs is converted into another graph which is different in appearance, but still representing the same regular expression. This process goes on until the graphs representing two regular expressions become identical, thus the equivalence of the regular expressions is proved. Otherwise they are not equivalent. Axiomic approach is presented in the last chapter of this paper, so that there are formal systems for the algebraic transformation of regular expressions. Equivalence of regular expressions can be clearly checked out within these systems.
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