Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Bonding wood particle composites with foamed adhesive

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  • The quality and cost of wood particle composites are substantially determined by how the adhesive that bonds the composite is distributed on the particles. Distribution of the adhesive is controlled by the method of application. Currently the adhesive is applied by spraying it onto the particles. It was hypothesized that applying the adhesive as a foam would lead to improved adhesive distribution. An experimental system was developed for foaming a urea formaldehyde adhesive with liquid freon-12 and for blending the foam with wood particles. This system was compared to systems for applying the adhesive as a spray and bulk liquid. Strength properties of wood particle composites made with foamed adhesive were found to be equivalent to those with adhesive applied as a spray. Applying foamed adhesive was superior to mixing particles with unfoamed adhesive. Strength properties were not correlated to adhesive distribution according to particle size. Foam and bulk liquid application produced adhesive distributions proportional to particle surface area. The spray application resulted in adhesive distributed disproportionately heavy on the larger particles relative to their surface area. Other factors, such as the number of particles not receiving adhesive and the uniformity of adhesive coverage on a particle surface, may explain the differences that occurred in strength properties.
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