Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Variables influencing the level of drug knowledge among village practitioners in Bangladesh

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  • In this study, the level of drug. knowledge was assessed among a sample of village practitioners in three villages of Bangladesh by means of interviews using questionnaires over a period of three months. The objective was to find out how the type of training, medical registration, source of background drug knowledge, years of formal education, and years of work experience of the practitioners were related to their level of drug knowledge. In this respect an important outcome was that the government training programs have a positive influence upon the village practitioners' level of drug knowledge. The impact of formal education on drug knowledge appears to be relatively weak in comparison to the large impact of the medical training experience that follows it. Finally, an increase in work experience was found to be related to an obsolescence in drug knowledge among village practitioners or to have no relation to how knowledgeable they were about drugs. Major policy implications based on this study relate to the need for more emphasis on developing training programs for village practitioners in order to increase their level of drug knowledge. It is presumed that these village practitioners will be able to utilize drugs more effectively and efficiently for the people in rural Bangladesh and bring about improvement in the country's health care delivery.
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