Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Properties of marginal aggregates treated with asphalt emulsion

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  • The purpose of this report is to address the problem of supplying construction aggregates to Oregon's coastal areas that are currently, or will in the near future, be deficient of good quality materials. This is done primarily by studying methods of utilizing marginal aggregates that are abundantly available in the deficient areas. The methods considered include various beneficiation procedures, such as admixture stabilization, pretreatment, blending, and reinforcement. Beneficiation by admixture stabilization is further analyzed by an experimental program designed to evaluate properties of marginal aggregates treated with asphalt emulsion. The aggregates tested include a high quality basalt, two marine basalts, a sandstone, and a fine grained dune sand. Mix properties evaluated include diametral resilient modulus, split tensile strength, and diametral fatigue life for both unconditioned specimens and specimens conditioned by moisture exposure. Layered elastic system pavement design principles are then implemented with the dynamic test results obtained from the study aggregates and with typical properties of a hot mix asphalt concrete to determine required pavement thicknesses. From this information, layer equivalencies are determined for comparing required pavement thicknesses of emulsion treated marginal aggregates with a hot mix asphalt concrete. Structural layer coefficients are then derived for use in standard pavement design methods. Finally, conclusions are given for utilization of the marginal aggregates treated with asphalt emulsion and recommendations given for additional research.
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