Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

An analysis of the relationship between grades and Iowa Tests of Educational Development scores of secondary school students in vocational education classes in Anchorage, Alaska

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  • Purpose of the Study The primary focus of this study was to compare Iowa Tests of Educational Development (ITED) subtest scores with achievement letter grades (A, B, C, D, and F) in vocational education classes at Bartlett High School, Anchorage, Alaska. The two secondary purposes of the study were to compare: 1. the results of ITED scores of Bartlett students enrolled in vocational education classes at the Career Center, Bartlett students enrolled in non-vocational education classes, and students enrolled in vocational education classes at Bartlett High School, and 2. the results of ITED scores of Bartlett Caucasian vocational education students with Bartlett non-Caucasian vocational education students. Procedure The samples were randomly selected from students receiving final grades during the Spring semester of 1979 at Bartlett High School, Anchorage, Alaska. A fixed one-way analysis of variance design was used to determine if there were significant differences between groups. Where a significant difference was indicated, the Least Significant Difference (L.S.D.) test was utilized to determine the location of these differences. Conclusions Based upon the results of this study, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. Mastery of the basic skills for vocational education classes is as important as in the academic areas. 2. The stigma of vocational education classes as a "dumping ground" for the academic classes was shown to be a misconception. 3. Either the ITED is culturally biased, or the basic education classes for minority students are structured such that minority students are not learning the necessary skills to succeed on ITED achievement tests.
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