Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The effects of lime and potassium on mineral uptake in filberts (Corylus avellana L. cv Barcelona) grown in pot culture

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  • The effects of soil incorporated lime and K on the concentrations of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Cu, B and Zn in the leaves of filbert trees (Corylus aveliana L. cv Barcelona) were investigated. One year old filbert trees of uniform size were grown in Laurelwood clay loam (L) and Jory silt clay loam (J) in five-gallon plastic pots. The L soil was high in exchangeable K, while soil J was low in exchangeable K as determined by soil tests. Lime treatments were made to bring the initial pH of each soil up to pH 6.6 and 7.1 respectively. Potassium treatments were calculated to bring the soil test levels to intermediate and high levels. Lime significantly increased the leaf concentration of K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, and Zn and decreased that of P, Mn, and B. Potassium treatments resulted in a significant increase in the leaf concentration of K, Mn, and a decrease in P, Mg, and Cu, but had no effect on the concentration of Fe, B, Zn and N. There were highly significant linear relationships between applied lime and leaf Ca and between applied K and leaf K. Trees grown in soil L were unable to take up as much K as those grown in soil J. This indicated that the soil analysis method used to measure exchangeable K was not an appropriate one to use to predict the available K for filbert trees. Further experimentation is required to develop a test which can be used to predict the K requirement for filbert trees grown in different soils.
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