Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Proton-neutron-hole states in antimony isotopes populated in the beta decay of ¹²⁸SN and ¹³⁰SN

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  • ¹³⁰ Sn and ¹²⁸Sn were separated from mixed fission products. The decay of these isotopes were studied with Ge(Li), LEPS, and plastic scintillator detector systems in single and two parameter coincidence modes. The decay scheme constructed for ¹²⁸Sn decay has levels at 0.0 (5+), 45.7 (4+), 77.8 (3+), 152.9 (2+), 482.2 (2,3+), 635.1 (1+) and 833.4 (1+) keV. The decay scheme constructed for 18°Sn decay has levels at 0.0 (4+), 70.6 (3+), 262.6 (2,3+), 697.0 (1+), 813.1 (2,3+) and 1042.2 (1+) keV. It is shown that these levels can be described by neutrons in the 2d₃/₂ level coupled with a proton in the 2d₃/₂, 2d₅/₂ and 1g₇/₂ levels. It is possible to arrive at a lower limit of the pairing force. This value of the pairing force was found to be about 40% stronger than an estimate based on the systematics of a large number of nuclei. Core-polarization was used to try to explain the hindrance in the β decay of a d₃/₂ neutron to a d ₅/₂ proton. Except for the contribution of the 3s ₁/₂ neutrons, this core-polarization model was successful.
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