Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Nitrogen concentration sensitivity study of the lock exchange phenomenon in the high temperature test facility

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  • The Modular High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (MHTGR) is a graphite moderated reactor that utilizes helium as its coolant. One consideration of importance is how the MHTGR will perform during a Depressurized Conduction Cooldown (DCC) accident, which generally can be divided into three phases: depressurization, air ingress, and natural circulation. After a rapid depressurization, resulting in a cold air/helium mixture outside the vessel and hot (less dense) helium inside the vessel, a stratified flow of cold ingress gases enters the vessel due to fluid density gradients. Eventually, as ingress gases are introduced into the MHTGR core, buoyancy forces become sufficient to overcome the hydrostatic head of the vessel and begin natural circulation, in which large air ingress is anticipated. The High Temperature Test Facility (HTTF) at Oregon State University (OSU) is a scaled integral test facility based on the Modular High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (MHTGR), and it is designed to model the DCC event and normal operations. Built to provide experimental data for validation of system support codes, the HTTF is a non-nuclear reactor that uses electrical power to analogously represent the heat produced from nuclear fission. As such, the experimental data to be taken from the HTTF will investigate the thermal hydraulic phenomenon occurring in the facility. In this study, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was created to simulate the stratified exchange in the HTTF. Without experimental data available to validate the results, numerous simulations were performed to model physical experiments that are to be performed by the HTTF, including a non-isothermal (hot) gas exchange and an isothermal (cold) room temperature exchange.
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