Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Cluster partitioning approaches to parallel Monte Carlo simulation on multiprocessors

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  • We consider the parallelization of Monte Carlo algorithms for analyzing numerical models of charge transport used in semiconductor device physics. Parallel algorithms for the standard k-space Monte Carlo simulation of a three band model of bulk GaAs on hypercube multicomputers are first presented. This Monte Carlo model includes scattering due to polar-optical, intervalley, and acoustic phonons, as well as electron-electron scattering. The k-space Monte Carlo program, excluding electron-electron scattering, is then extended to simulate a semiconductor device by the addition of the real space position of each simulated particle and the assignment of particle charge, using a cloud in cell scheme, to solve the Poisson's equation with particle dynamics. Techniques for effectively partitioning this device so as to balance the computational load while minimizing the communication overhead are discussed. Approaches for improving the efficiency of the parallel algorithm, either by dynamically balancing of load or by employing the usual techniques for enhancing rare events in Monte Carlo simulations are also considered. The parallel algorithms were implemented on a 64-node NCUBE multiprocessor and test results were generated to validate the parallel k-space, as well as the device simulation programs. Timing measurements were also made to study the variation of speedups as both the problem size and number of processors are varied. The effective exploitation of the computational power of message passing multiprocessors requires the efficient mapping of parallel programs onto processors so as to balance the computational load while minimizing the communication overhead between processors. A lower bound for this communication volume when mapping arbitrary task graphs onto distributed processor systems is derived. For a K processor system this lower bound can be computed from the K (possibly) largest eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of the task graph and the eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of the processor graph. We also derive the eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of the processor graph for a hypercube and give test results comparing the lower bound for the communication volume with the values given by a heuristic algorithm for a number of task graphs.
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