Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Activated carbon for improving diuron selectivity in beans

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  • Activated carbon is effective in protecting beans from herbicide injury. In a field study, diuron [3-(3, 4- dichlorophenyl)- 1- 1- dimethyl urea], linuron [3- ( 3, 4- dichloropheny1)- 1- methoxy- 1- naethylurea], fluometuron [1, 1-dimethyl- 3-(α , α, α -trifluoro- m-toly1) urea], and metobromuron [3, (2- bromophenyI)- 1- 1- rnethoxy- 1- methyl urea] we re used to determine the effectiveness of a one-inch band of activated carbon (Aqua Nuchar A) applied over the bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) row in protecting the crop from herbicide injury. Activated carbon was applied at 0, 150 and 300 pounds per acre, broadcast basis, while diuron, linuron, fluometuron and metobromuron were applied at rates of 1. 0 and 2. 0, 2. 0 and 4. 0, 1. 0 and 2. 0, and 1. 0 and 2. 0 lbs /acre, respectively. The results obtained showed that when activated carbon was used as a band treatment of one inch over the row (broadcast basis) at a rate of 150 pounds per acre, prior to herbicide application, good crop protection was obtained for all herbicide treatments at all rates. However, the activated carbon also protected that weeds that germinated under the carbon band. In the greenhouse, the influence of band width was determined by applying 0, 150 and 300 pounds per acre of carbon in bands of 1.0 and 3.0 inches in width. A carbon band of 1.0 inch provided adequate protection to the beans for all rates tested. No injury was observed in either the roots or the shoots, for all rates tested. The effectiveness of activated carbon in protecting four plant species, beans, ryegrass (Lolium perenne Var. Linn L.), pigweed Amaranthus retroflexus L.) and barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crusgalli (L) Beauv) from diuron injury was also determined in a greenhouse experiment. It was found that activated carbon to diuron ratios of 100:1 were effective in protecting the four species tested. Experiments with 2-gram "packets" of vermiculite with carbon showed that beans were protected from diuron injury only when the packet contained carbon. Application of activated carbon mixed in with a vermiculite "packet" was as effective as applying the carbon in a one-inch band over the row. In an experiment involving alternate wetting and drying of activated carbon no decrease of the adsorptive capacity of the carbon was observed. In the laboratory the adsorption of diuron at 7, 10 and 20 ppm by four commercial types of activated carbon (Aqua Nuchar A, Darco-M, Gro-Safe and Pittsburg No. 3) was determined. The results indicated that differences exist between different carbon sources. The greater the surface area of the carbon, the greater its adsorptivity. Desorption studies with diuron at 20 ppm and four different activated carbon sources showed that the degree of desorption also varied between the carbon sources.
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