Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Feasibility of utilizing an integrating nephelometer to measure visibility

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  • An integrating nephelometer was set up at the Eugene Airport which is located five miles north of Eugene, Oregon, on Highway 99 West. Continuous atmospheric scattering coefficient readings were obtained from July 1, 1969, to August 28, 1969. These data are converted to meteorological range through the use of the Koschmieder equation. The meteorological range values are compared, through the use of linear regression analysis, to observed visibility values recorded hourly by the U. S. Weather Bureau station at the Eugene Airport. Comparisons are limited to periods when the visibility was less than ten miles and the relative humidity was less than or equal to 70%. These restrictions insure that only data obtained during periods of severe pollution are compared. The severe pollution resulted from the presence of aerosols generated during grass field burning in the Willamette Valley. The basic assumptions made in calculating meteorological range from the nephelometer measured scattering coefficient are examined. It was found that the assumption of negligible light absorption by the atmospheric constituents is not valid for the conditions of this experiment. With light absorption accounted for, nephelometer determined meteorological range values are in good agreement with observed visibility values.
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