Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Radiographic assessments of bone density in cardiac-prone adults participating in a 12-month physical conditioning program

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  • Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a 12-month physical activity (jogging) program on the bone density of cardiac-prone participants in the Adult Fitness Program at the University of Wisconsin- La-Crosse. The following null hypotheses were tested: 1. There was no significant difference in bone density measurements of adults due to the 12-month physical activity program. 2. There was no significant difference in bone density measurements of adults due to the 12-month physical activity program when sex was considered. Procedures/Results Seven male and five female cardiac-prone participants in the Adult Fitness Program at the University of Wisconsin- LaCrosse volunteered to be subjects for this study. The quantitative radiographic technique was utilized to assess bone density initially and again nine and 12 months thereafter (April 1979 - April 1980). All data were collected by the investigator. The paired t-test was used to test null hypothesis 1. Null hypothesis 1 was rejected. There were statistically significant increases in bone density measurements of the adults in this study due to a 12-month physical activity (jogging) program. The one-way analysis of covariance was used to test null hypothesis 2. Null hypothesis 2 was rejected. Females in this investigation experienced a significantly greater increase in bone density than males for both the nine-month and 12-month measurements. Conclusions The following conclusions have been drawn from the results of this investigation: 1. The physical activity program as outlined in this study increased bone density of cardiac-prone adults in the Adult Fitness Program at the University of Wisconsin- LaCrosse. 2. Cardiac-prone females (age 31-62) realized a greater increase in bone density as a result of the physical activity program as outlined in this study than cardiac-prone males (age 31-45).
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