Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Bagit : a very high level language for application programming

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  • Very High Level Languages (VHLL) provide higher level abstractions and more powerful primitives than high level languages (HLL). A programmer uses these abstractions to solve a problem by specifying "what" is to be done rather than "how" it is to be done. This research work reports the design and development of Bagit, a new VHLL for application programminq. Bagit provides 1) an encapsulation mechanism (bag) and, 2) an information hiding mechanism (filter) which are used in a consistent manner to support data, type, control, functional, and access abstraction. A data abstraction (ADT) in Bagit is defined by a bag which encapsulates the representation and valid operations on a type, and a filter which defines the interface to the abstraction. A type abstraction is a data abstraction which has two or more filters, each filter defining a new type. A zero type is a type or data abstraction where all its attributes are of type function. Functional abstraction in Bagit is provided via functions which can return bags. Furthurmore, these functions mav be used in conjunction with loop constructs and bag expressions, providing control abstractions. In this case they are generators of bags. Finally, associative referencing is supported by labelled bags. By hiding the irrelevant information of how an object is accessed, and only specifying what the object is, access abstraction is achieved. The significant contributions to the field of programming languages are, 1) Realization of an information hiding mechanism as a language design principle in addition to an encapsulation mechanism, 2) Attemptinq to provide a bridae between the areas of programming lanauages and database systems, 3) Treating various forms of abstraction using a single abstraction mechanism in a consistent and uniform manner, 4) Solving the problems of zero types and more than one type, and 5) Improving functional and control abstraction.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6670 in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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