Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Optimum equalization and synchronization of broadband multicarrier systems

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  • The application of information theory and digital signal processing techniques to digital communication has resulted in robust methods for reliable high speed data transmission over noisy channels environments. Among these methods, multicarrier systems have become a viable solution for exploiting maximum spectral efficiency over both wideband highly dispersive static and time-varying dynamic channels. However, there remains many problems in this field to maximize performance and efficiency of such systems. Among these problems, equalization and synchronization are the major focus of this thesis. The contribution of this thesis on equalization is to optimize performance of equalizer from two different aspects: computational complexity and system capacity. A new fast equalization algorithm is developed to obtain near optimum setting of the equalizer under minimum mean square error criterion. Furthermore, a mathematical framework for analysis of maximum capacity equalization is developed. It is shown that the optimum equalization of multi-carrier system can be viewed as a constrained optimization problem where the constraint set exhibits identifiable geometric characteristic. Using these properties, a descent gradient search method for optimum equalization of multi-carrier systems is proposed. In synchronization domain, the contribution of this thesis is the development and statistical analysis of a new class of cyclic based estimators: maximum likelihood and minimum variance unbiased and moment estimator for both symbol timing error and carrier frequency offset estimation of multicarrier systems.
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