Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Design and simulation of a model for lymphocyte flow through single lymphnodes

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  • A compartmental model of lymphocyte circulation through a lymphnode is derived and simulated. The purpose of the model is to analyze experimental data and in turn design experimental plans from the analysis in order to obtain sufficient data for the organ-distributed immune response. The model will be used to predict and analyze lymphocyte migration kinetics within a lymphnode as well as the output of lymphocytes from a node into efferent lymph. The importance of such a model is discussed in Chapter I together with a review of past models in theoretical immunology. Chapter II summarizes the immunological theory the model is based upon. A summary of the theory of compartmental analysis is given in Chapter III. A compartmental representation based on physiological theory is derived. The mathematical model based on compartmentation and lymphocyte kinetics is derived in Chapter IV. The constants for the model are evaluated for the rat. A computer simulation of the model is performed and discussed in Chapter V. Results of the simulation are compared to literature data and predictions for lymphocyte kinetics in compartments of a lymphnode are presented. Further experiments are necessary to verify the model. A proposal for an experimental design is presented together with a predictive analysis of simulation results for the proposed experiment. It is concluded that integrated research consisting of experimentation, mathematical analysis, model development and computer simulation eventually may lead to a better understanding of the immune process and its role in disease control.
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