Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Barriers to Implementation of Comprehensive Behavior Support Planning in Schools

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  • Student problem behavior continues to be a primary concern in schools and, as resources decrease and greater burden is placed upon teachers, schools are pursuing better ways to mange student behavior. Researchers have continually found that when correctly implemented, Positive Behavior Supports (PBS) is an effective system for mitigating problem behavior. However, individualized student supports within PBS are often poorly designed and implemented, and practitioners lack tools to assess the efficacy of these particular interventions. The present research evaluates the usefulness of an interview process for evaluating barriers to correctly implementing individualized supports. Researchers have coded previously conducted semi-structured interviews with school administrators, behavior specialists, and teachers about barriers they have experienced when implementing individualized supports. Researchers have analyzed the data through a theme analysis and through Gilbert's (1978) Performance Engineering framework to elucidate systems-wide challenges and areas for improvement. The present research provides evidence of specific barriers, such as lack of resources and knowledge, which impede the development, implementation, and maintenance of individualized supports within PBS, and offer insight into the type of interview protocol needed to effectively evaluate the efficacy of such supports. Further research that incorporates aspects of Gilbert’s (1978) framework into the interview process may more effectively identify barriers to behavior support planning and may be beneficial for schools.
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