Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The staff development needs of full-time instructional faculty as reported by professional staff members in Oregon community college

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  • PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: The study examined administrator and faculty perceptions toward staff development needs and ascertained the differences which exist between the reported staff development needs of full-time community college instructors within the state of Oregon. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: The three objectives identified for this study were: 1. To determine if administrators and faculty agree upon the staff development needs of the full-time instructional staff. 2. To determine if educational background and community college teaching experience variations affect the reported staff development needs of vocational technical program instructors. 3. To determine if vocational technical and lower division transfer program instructors with similar educational backgrounds and similar years of community college teaching experience report similar staff development needs. THE PROCEDURE: A survey instrument was developed, pilot tested, abjudicated by a jury of experts and administered to a randomly selected group of instructional administrators and full-time faculty from the thirteen community colleges in the state of Oregon. The sample for the study consisted of 171 instructional administrators, 342 lower division transfer program instructors and 393 vocational technical program instructors from Oregon's community colleges. The dependent variable in the study was a score assigned by the respondents to each of the fifty-two Likert-type questions in the survey instrument. The F statistic was used to analyze contrast among the mean scores for criterion variable statements relating to each of the study's three objectives. SELECTED FINDINGS: All null hypotheses in the study were rejected at the .05 level of probability. The findings relative to these hypotheses are summarized according to the three objectives. In relation to objective number one, significant differences were found to exist between the perceived staff development needs of instructors as reported by faculty and administrators. In analyzing the rejected null hypothesis, it was found that administrators indicated the faculty development need was larger than that reported by the instructors. In relation to objective number two, significant differences were found to exist between the reported staff development needs of vocational technical program instructors. Community college teaching experience, educational preparation and the interaction between these two variables significantly affected reported needs. The greatest differences in mean scores were reported by individuals with one to six or more than fifteen years of community college teaching experience. Faculty with seven to fifteen years of community college experience felt that their abilities were acceptable. Reported staff development needs decreased as the formal educational preparation variable increased in years. In relation to objective number three, significant differences were found to exist between the reported staff development needs of vocationai technical and lower division transfer program instructors with a minimum of sixteen years of formal educational preparation. Differences were shown on the community college experience, teaching area and interaction variables for each of the seven hypotheses. As with objective number two, the greatest amount of staff development need was reported by individuals with less than seven or more than fifteen years of community college teaching experience. Also as with the data from objective number two, reported staff development needs decreased as the amount of formal educational training increased. The study presented conclusions and implications based on the findings relative to each specific objective. Specific characteristics affecting the staff development needs of community college full-time faculty members within the state of Oregon were delineated.
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