Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Effect of row spacings, seeding rates and nitrogen fertilizer rates on the agronomic performance of Yamhill and Hysolop wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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  • The response of two newly released cultivars of winter wheat when grown under different row spacings, seeding rates and nitrogen levels were investigated. Measurements made included grain yield, tiller number per unit area, plant height, 300 kernel weight, bushel weight and protein content of the grain. Hyslop and Yamhill cultivars were selected since they represent different plant types and may respond differently to various cultural practices. Results indicated that optimum grain yield under the growing conditions of this study was obtained with 15. 24 cm row spacing and 134. 5 kg/ha seeding rate. Also at the 15. 24 cm row spacing, 112 kg/ha of nitrogen gave the greatest yield response. This was true for both cultivars tested. More culms per square meter were produced by the 15.24 cm row spacing. The largest number of culms being attained with 15. 24 cm spacing and 134.5 kg/ha seeding rates with both cultivars responding in a similar pattern. The plant height for both Hyslop and Yamhill remained the same at all row spacings; however the higher seeding rates resulted in increased plant height. Yamhill had a higher 300 kernel weight and a lower bushel weight than Hyslop regardless of the treatments. Different row spacings did not influence either 300 kernel weight or the bushel weight. Increased seeding rates did result in a variable 300 kernel weight and in a higher bushel weight for both cultivars. Protein content of the grain was not affected by either row spacing or seeding rates, but was influenced by nitrogen application. With the exception of the first 56 kg/ha nitrogen application, the other additional applications of nitrogen resulted in an increased protein content. Despite different growing patterns, both Hyslop and Yamhill responded similarly to the cultural practices imposed. It would appear that maximum grain yield, under the growing conditions observed in this study can be obtained by increasing the number of spikes per unit area. This could be achieved by using 15. 24 cm row spacing and 134.5 kg/ha as a seeding rate with 112 kg/ha of nitrogen. A mean of disseminating such information to the growers was also considered in this study.
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