Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Model study of drainage in shallow layered soils

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  • The occurrence of relatively less permeable soil underlying a relatively more permeable and shallow soil profile is widespread in the Willamette Valley Region of Oregon. Recognizing that an understanding of the water transport process in such a situation would provide reliable criteria for designing a drainage system has led to this study. A physical model of a drainage system was constructed and two soil samples, one identified as a river bed sand and the other as clayey loam, were used. The Brooks-Corey method of analysis was used to identify the significant hydraulic parameters of the two samples from capillary pressure-saturation data, separately acquired for the two samples. Drains were installed at three different depths, 12.7 cm, 43.2 cm and 73.7 cm for two different spacings of 7.6 m and 15.2 m. The data from the drainage experiments were extensively analyzed in the light of drainage system geometry and the hydraulic soil parameters. Degrees of saturation and drainage with respect to time and space indicated that drain spacing was not an important factor in the design of drainage systems for shallow layered soil profiles. The overriding factor was the depth placement of the drains and that the effectiveness of the drain was greatly enhanced by placing the drains at depths greater than the bubbling pressure heads of the soils involved.
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